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Showing posts from May, 2011


.ok. for real. riding with people really isn't so bad after all. it's just those times when you are invited on a last minute whim that can be quite sad. being the sporadic junkie that i am this will soon come to a head for sure. as of yet i've fed my need for sporadic in different ways such as: riding my bike in multiple different directions (until i get to a hill then i turn the other way)..staring aimlessly at the wal and finding paint spots where i've ever so carelessly spattered paint..or the ever so welcome s.bux visits. .meeting. with people and just talking to them and hearing their "story" and what is on their hearts is something i could do for hours. the one thing that i was really worried about with my driving privileges being revoked is the fact that i would not have as much freedom to meet with people at said coffee shops. making for awkward moments at times. it's so humbling to invite someone to meet with you for coffee and then in turn ask ...


.ok. so now there are some out there who are questioning giving me rides for fear of what i will write in said blog-o-sphere. then on the flip side some..cough cough..want to make the trip so extremely memorable that i may in fact be fearful to ride with them. with that said no need to fear only fantastical stories of delight will make it here. .now. to the nitty gritty. yesterday i had the joy of riding with someone i barely know. made for awkward moments of "getting to know you" time. this is someone that i met at the ridge briefly and randomly discovered we work for the same company. this proved to be a super fun jumping out of my comfort zone kind of time. sharing why i need such rides and thanking him for driving me home. i heard some of his heart. (i told ya that people just open up behind the wheel.) he made a profound statement in the sense of helping people. i was thanking him for the ride and realizing that it was completely out of his way to bring me home. opposi...


.well. this is gonna be a journey of me being on this journey without a license. i've been transported back in time pre-16..w/o a license to freedom. i "get to" be much like a high schooler traveling around with my bookbag and thumbing rides via the high tech version of hitchiking..aka..texting for rides. .i. am going to try to share as much as possible about the people i meet along these next few months and the relationships that are being built or just starting out. i feel already that this is going to be an adventure. i have noticed that people tend to talk, a lot, behind the wheel. i guess something about being in their own space and having the comfort of being in control of the ride makes them feel right at home. i am a fan of it though. being that i am new to most of these people and vice versa. i guess i should start by saying that this whole thing..being behind the majorly out of my comfort zone. i was always the one who would drive anywhere no mat...