.You. remember that childhood past time of trying to find that pesky little Waldo right? .Well...for me...here in Nica...life is sometimes like that. Be it me personally feeling like I don't know where I am or be it me forgetting where I put my keys or water bottle. It has ranged from me feeling a little lost in where I stand in my relationship with God or where my thinking is going...good or bad. What I mean by being a little lost in where I stand with my relationship with God is simply a question I ask myself regularly.."am I following Him or what other people tell me about Him?" I can recognize quickly where I am based on how "soft" I feel or don't feel. For those of you who know me well you will know exactly what I mean by that. Haha. For those of you who don't know me quiet so well...here's my two stages of fellowship with God: soft and hard. I don't really have any good middle ground there..but for me that's ok. .My. consta...