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.i've. been thinking about how i can do more. do more good. do more loving. just do more in general. i'm amazed at how some organizations like toms shoes gets americans to purchase shoes and now sun glasses all in the name of helping. however i feel that some of the "good" is lost in translation because we are getting after we give..or rather we get then we give. there is also a non-prof called rosa loves which tells us of heart breaking stories of loss and devastation all so we buy a t-shirt to help. or a more well known non-prof to write love on her arms where you can support the movement, or cause if you will, by purchasing a t-shirt to spread the message.

.now. don't get me wrong. i have purchased from two of the places listed above. i believe in doing good. in helping. but this has just got me thinking a little bit this morning. why can't i just do and not get. why can't i just give and not expect a hip t-shirt or snazzy sun glasses in the mail after my generous "donation"? why can't i just donate? give without strings..without expectations. consumerism is running rampant even in our charitable organizations. even if you search on google to find charitable organizations you usually always get a sticker, bookmark, book, t-shirt, etc all to show and tell others "look i gave to _______ and i got ______."

.guess. i have too high of standards for compassion or charity. i don't even live up to them in the least. i find myself always wanting something for my "generous" donation. i guess that's gotta be a change in my thinking of really what charity and helping is. i want to do it and not just get some t-shirt that says..look what i did. now..don't read that and hear that's what i think people who wear those items are out for. when i put on my to write love on her arms t-shirt (which i LOVE) i don't want people to see that i gave money to help. i want to help spread the message. my thought is why can't i just spread the message..without a trinket? just some food for thought.



  1. You can look at it another way: instead of wearing a shirt that shows a consumer brand (Under Armor, Nike, Coach, Old Navy, Abercrombie, etc.), you're sharing a brand that has more than temporary significance. To me, it's like wearing the bracelets for House of Hope or other charity: it's a conversation starter.

    Also, for me and my short attention span, I need the reminder to pray, not to forget, not to leave the feeling at the 10k fundraiser race course.

    Still, I battled internally last year from my/biplane's sponsorship of the 4/24 race with the same question I ask of TOMS: "Am I using this charity to build my brand—or using my brand to help their cause?"

  2. I struggle with this, too. I like what Ryan has to say about it being a conversation starter. I believe with every dollar we spend we're placing a vote : either to companies like Wal-Mart that support male authoritarianism or companies like Toms and Warby Parker that are taking their craft and using it for good. Of course it's a great business decision too, but they're at least taking the initiative to use their successful business for the greater good. I don't know if most citizens in the Western World are able to wrap their minds about such selfless giving as you have expressed here. I think it's why those that can end up going to foreign countries.

    Anyway, I appreciate your sharing. This is something I've often thought about myself.


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