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(Thanksgiving hike up a mountain!)

.So. it is hard to believe that I only have ten days left. Wow. Only ten days to love these precious little girls and the women that are surrounding me.

.No. regrets kind of lovin'.

(This is Rosa...from last post...she said she's been sober since we prayed!)

.My. prayer for just these past few weeks is that I would finish this leg of my Jesus walk well...honoring God. What that looks like exactly I am not so sure just yet. I don't think I will really know what that looks like until I am on my plan from Managua looking back at these past couple weeks.

.Day. to day it looks like staying sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading and leaning into where he wants me to move moment by moment. It means taking the extra five minutes to talk with a girl in the means giving up my daily runs to spend that hour with the means just sitting on my porch and being available to my neighbors...having a sleep over with a fun movie...taking a woman or two to get coffee and talk about God...savoring every moment.

.It. means not pulling away and being here but absent...which for me is honestly the easiest thing to do by far!

.These. past two weeks have say the least...interesting.

.Ranging. from a woman pulling a knife on another woman in an argument to getting diagnosed with a worm parasite that is growing up my leg. (The worm has sprouted and there are three others that are a total of 4 worms.) No post last Sunday because I was in the ER getting blood work done because I was having some weird symptoms which all went back to my worm. Monday I was at the infectious disease doctor who diagnosed my worm and put me on some serious meds. I am on a three 10 day cycle of anti-parasite meds. They have super not so fun side effects so this week I have been battling those. I guess it's my souvenir from Nicaragua. A friend told me that I may possibly have to get it a passport which I have shared that with the residents at HOH and they all think that is hilarious. Haha. They have given the largest one the name of Anaconda...just in case you all wanted to know. For those curious of how one gets rid of worms...well...there are a couple ways. One is trying to take the meds that I am currently on. Hopefully that will be the only thing I will have to do. The other way is to wait until the worm causes an sore on your skin then...nasty can pull it out from your body. Cool right? Anyone wanna sign up to pull my worm out? Haha. Just kidding...I totally have dibs on that.

(This is my biggest worm. He...Anaconda...starts a little lower than the middle of my shin and goes about an inch before the hem line of the shorts in the picture. :) )

.This. week I have been thinking over the past six months...all the ups and downs and middle grounds...and to sum it all up...I am extremely thankful for my Jesus family. Through all of this you all have been my support in every way possible. Listening to the Holy Spirit when to pray or text me or send an email.

.You. will never fully know how truly thankful I am for your support and encouragement and ultimately showing me Jesus through you following him.

.I. covet your prayers as I desire to honor God in finishing my last 10 days here in Nicaragua. As I say my good-byes or c'ya laters. As I push through  my side-effects from the meds I am on.

.God. has been amazing in teaching me so much about himself through these women and girls it is honestly hard for me to focus in on one main lesson from these last two weeks. The thing that I have come out of these two weeks with is that God is who he says he is...even more so I am learning everyday.

.He's. just SO good to us!

.Here's. to ten more days of glorifying God in Nicaragua with me my friends and Jesus family!


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