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Diligence in Community

Diligence: Concientiousness in paying proper attention to a task; giving the degree of care required in a given situation

When I think of my friend Angie the word diligence is synonymous for her and how she lives her life. 

I met Angie in 2002 when I first moved to VA. She, being a pastor's daughter, serving and working in the Baptist church my family and I went to. God began to write a story of friendship, dedication, and love.

Angie, being one of the most outgoing people you've ever met. Loves the Lord with all that she has. You can't help but be her friend, no matter how far award from the Lord you are. I was intrigued by this new friend who seemed to have no cares in the world and if she did, she had a God who cared greatly about those needs. I was not all about the God she loved, yet she pursued my heart in small, intentional ways that was of the Lord's leading. 

Over the past 15 or so years Angie has remained a constant friend. No matter how many miles apart, a friend indeed. As I wondered further and further into the darkness of this world she continued to check in, pray for me, and show me Jesus. Years of faithfulness that I knew nothing about at times.

About 7 years ago I gave my life to the Lord. Our friendship only became stronger now that we both had a relationship with the Lord. Throughout the years we prayed for one another, encouraged one another, and spurred one another on to follow Jesus, whatever that meant. 

Her friendship has been a profound gift to me. 

I was in TN for a Priscilla Shier conference. The first night she talked about the providence of God. That he is honored so greatly in our faithfulness in the small things. Throughout the night I thought of my friend Angie, 1. Because I think she resembles Priscilla 2. She is so faithful. I prayed for my friend not knowing that I would see her that night at this conference. Upon leaving, I was attacked by a flying leaping hug by Angie. 

Only God could orchestrate for us both to be at the exact place in the conference center of 6,000+ women. We had not seen each other in 5 years. I was so overwhelmed with the love of Jesus to have my dear friend and I here in the same place I was overcome with emotion. There we were, making a scene, of long hugs, tears, and shouts of joy. 

That evening I was telling the story of our friendship to my group. Sharing of her faithfulness to befriend me as I was so set on running so far away from the Lord. That she never stopped being my friend. She continually showed me Jesus. She was diligent. 

What I did not consider was how those years of being faithful had changed and shaped her life. 

The next morning Angie's group sat with us and they too asked the story of our friendship. Angie and I bounced off of one another telling the story of her befriending me and I running from the Lord. 

Then Angie started sharing what the Lord did through her as she faithfully prayed for me for over 8 years to come to know the Lord. She shared that as her prayer life grew, the trajectory of her life began to change. That as she prayed for the Lord to do a work in my life, she too was being drawn out of her comfort and into the life He has planned for her. 

This was a part of the story I had not heard before. That through praying seemingly impossible things for me, her prayer life changed and shaped her future in dramatic ways. 

Such an encouragement, friends. 

In community and in our small groups we are called to make disciples. To intentionally pursue others and walk with them deeply in relationship with the Lord. Often times, this is not without pain, discouragement, and feelings of confusion when someone we care for deeply chooses to step away from the Lord. 

We think self focused thoughts on why they chose to step away from the Lord. We wonder what we need to change or improve upon. Some of which is right and good. 

Oh but the faithfulness of us who are walking with one another towards Jesus to continually pray for others. To pray big things for our loved one and friends, not putting a time limit on when the Lord draws them to himself. But to do what we are called to do, to pray. 

To ask the impossible. To seek with expectation. To be changed ourselves.

I think of the women I have walked with that have stepped away from the Lord. Wonder about where they are with Him. I was challenged this weekend, to continually pray for them. To ask the impossible. To seek with expectations that the Lord is absolutely for them. 

I know both sides of the story now. The Lord pursued my heart and did the impossible, my friend Angie got to be a part of that. Of God doing the impossible. God did the impossible in her heart as well. He changed her. He grew her faith in Him by showing her what he would do with the faithful prayers of a diligent prayer warrior. 

So friends, let's get busy, diligently asking the Lord for the impossible. We will be changed. 

"Pray at all times on every occasion, in every season in the Spirit, with all manner of prayer and entreaty. To that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the saints, God's consecrated people." Ephesians 6: 18 AMP


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